AKC CH. Emoti Deabei NA NAJ CGC "Emoti"
DOB: February 7, 2012
Owners: Claudia von Ostwalden & Raelynn Reinhart
Imported from the Czech Republic
Breeder: Beata Stybrova, CZ
OFA-Cardiac: Normal
CERF: Normal
OFA-Hip: Good
OFA- Elbows: Normal
Seizure free
AKC CH. Usko Deabei MX AXJ FDCH CGC "Usko"
DOB: August 9, 2009
Owners: Claudia von Ostwalden & Raelynn Reinhart
Imported from the Czech Republic
Breeder: Beata Stybrova, CZ
OFA- Cardiac: Normal
CERF: Normal
BAER: Normal
OFA- Hip: Good
OFA-Elbows: Normal
Seizure free
Bacardi De Rancho Jerez "Bacardi"
DOB: March 22, 2015
Owner: Claudia von Ostwalden
Imported from Norway
Breeder: Edyta Engh, Norway
BSD- EYE478/28M-VPI: Normal
OFA- Hip: Excellent
OFA- Elbow: Normal
CHIC#: 147928
Thyroid: Normal
Seizure free